3 Quotes & Sayings By Bill Knott

Bill Knott is the author of 13 bestselling novels; The Happiness Project, The Surrendered Wife, The Happiness Project: Beyond the Happiness Project, The Surrendered Husband, The Happy Single Mommy Handbook, The Surrendered Daddy Handbook, The Happy Divorced Mommy Handbook, The Surrendered Life Coach Handbook, and most recently, The Surrendered Pregnant Mommy Handbook. His bestselling novel Love Is A Battlefield was made into a Hallmark Channel movie starring Angelina Jolie. He is also the author of an inspirational self-help book for men called How to Be a Man. Bill lives in Atlanta with his wife and kids.

From heart to hearta heartbeat staggers, looking for a haven. Bereft. It is easier to enter heaventhan to pass through each others' eyes Bill Knott
If you are still alive when you read this, close your eyes. I amunder their lids, growing black. Bill Knott